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What Life Is All About ?

" The best investment that worth every penny is an investment in yourself. Love yourself more. Be kinder. "

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Four Long-Term Investing Tips From Warren Buffett

"Four Long-Term Investing Tips From Warren Buffett"

#1 — Own low-cost S&P 500 index funds
#2 — Ignore your or anyone else’s predictions about long or short-term price changes. Focus instead on productivity of assets
#3 — Ignore the macro environment and political environment
#4 — Make as few investments as possible


Jas, Unit Trust Consultant of Public Mutual Berhad
(wholly-owned subsidiary of Public Bank Berhad)
T: +6017-7055381
FB: # Follow me on Facebook!

Sunday, 20 July 2014

How to choose a fund to invest?

Examine the risk level that you can take. Different types of funds have different level of risk. If you are risk taker, you can invest in high risk funds, such as equity funds.
After deciding which type of funds to invest, look at the past performance of the fund and the fund houses. Although the past performance cannot guarantee the future performance, we can know the ability of that particular fund manager.

Jas, Unit Trust Consultant of Public Mutual Berhad
(wholly-owned subsidiary of Public Bank Berhad)
T: +6017-7055381
FB: # Follow me on Facebook!

Thursday, 17 July 2014

Refer to “Federation Of Investment Managers Malaysia” or FIMM

Good day to you!

Let’s check out the Unit Trust information from “Federation Of Investment Managers Malaysiadirectly. Or also known as FIMM.

Click the link below:

You can find various type of Unit Trust important information such as:
History Of Unit Trust & so much more!

FIMM is the company that issue out any Unit Trust Consultant/Agent licence (from any banks in Malaysia) before they can start promote Unit Trust to public. So I do believe the information here very useful for you.

Happy Reading!

Jas, Unit Trust Consultant of Public Mutual Berhad
(wholly-owned subsidiary of Public Bank Berhad)
T: +6017-7055381
FB: # Follow me on Facebook!

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

EPF Withdrawal Estimator

Hello Everyone !
Good news !

For current investors & for those who is interested to become an investor, now you can check your ELIGIBILITY for EPF (KWSP) investment via online. As easy as providing your CURRENT AGE & LATEST BALANCE OF ACCOUNT 1 details. Be it for new investment, or for additional investment. For information, EPF investment can be made quarterly / every 3 months once. As long as you are eligible. Checking can be made from time to time / every 3 months once. 

Please click on this link:

You may also contact me for assistance. Do keep in touch. Have a good day!

Jas, Unit Trust Consultant of Public Mutual Berhad
(wholly-owned subsidiary of Public Bank Berhad)
T: +6017-7055381
FB: # Follow me on Facebook!

Sunday, 13 July 2014

Importance Of Investing

Some points of the importance are:

■ Reduce impact of inflation
■ Gain more money than you usually have
■ Indirectly, motivate you to save money regularly & remind you to be prepared for your future or rainy days
■ Increase your awareness on your responsibilty towards self & family members (as well as friends & community, for those that looking at it in bigger scope)
■ To gain life freedom (such as time freedom & financial freedom)
■ To have better daily lifestyle & comfortable retirement lyfestyle

Have a quality life to all !

Jas, Unit Trust Consultant of Public Mutual Berhad
(wholly-owned subsidiary of Public Bank Berhad)
T: +6017-7055381
FB: # Follow me on Facebook!

Saturday, 12 July 2014

Where we can buy Unit Trust?

We can buy unit trust at their fund houses respectively. 
Example, buying Public Mutual fund at Public Mutual office. 
Another way is, buying through consultants/agents. 
There are many banks offer unit trust as well,
you can direct go to the bank and buy.
Some people is an expert himself about the unit trust fund, able to monitor their investment account by himself, aware on all of the procedures & can go to the bank directly to buy. While some people always need advises before making any decision in regards to their investments; in that case, it’s good to buy through consultants/agents so that you would get assistance and advises 
from them.

Jas, Unit Trust Consultant of Public Mutual Berhad
(wholly-owned subsidiary of Public Bank Berhad)
T: +6017-7055381
FB: # Follow me on Facebook!

Anything I need to do after I invest in Unit Trust?

After 2-3 weeks you invest in unit trust, you will receive the statement from the unit trust company. Check on the statement and make sure all the details in the statement are correct. You can contact your consultant/agent to update you on latest market trend & ask consultant/agent for help whenever you need it.

Investors receive at least two reports from the unit trust company every year. Interim report will be published at half of financial year, while Annual report will be published every end of financial year.

Jas, Unit Trust Consultant of Public Mutual Berhad
(wholly-owned subsidiary of Public Bank Berhad)
T: +6017-7055381
FB: # Follow me on Facebook!

How long should I invest in Unit Trust?

Normally, investors are advised to hold the unit trust for 5 years or longer
10 years & above is the best goal for Maximum Return

Unit trust is not a short term investment, if you sell in less than a year, most probably you do not earn as you need to pay the service charge.
Hold the unit trust longer to enjoy the compounded return.

Jas, Unit Trust Consultant of Public Mutual Berhad
(wholly-owned subsidiary of Public Bank Berhad)
T: +6017-7055381
FB: # Follow me on Facebook!

Do I need to top up my investment every month?

No, it is not necessary you need to top up your investment every month. There are three ways to invest in unit trust. 

(1) First, LUMP SUM where you invest an amount once and no additional investment after that. 

(2) Second, REGULAR SAVING, where you invest an amount initially, then top up the investment every month/whenever you want. 

(3) Third, EPF WITHDRAWAL, where you can withdraw money from your EPF account to invest in certain unit trust fund.

Effective 25 June 2007, EPF funds are no longer allowed to be withdrawn to invest in oversea funds.

Jas, Unit Trust Consultant of Public Mutual Berhad
(wholly-owned subsidiary of Public Bank Berhad)
T: +6017-7055381
FB: # Follow me on Facebook!

What is the difference between Unit Trust and Share?

These are the differences:

Unit Trust Share
Managed by professional fund manager.
Managed by yourself.
More diversified.
No diversification as you invest in a particular company.
Low risk.
High risk.
Service charge is higher.
Brokerage fee is minimal.
More liquid, you can sell anytime.
Less liquid, you only can sell when there is buyer.

Jas, Unit Trust Consultant of Public Mutual Berhad
(wholly-owned subsidiary of Public Bank Berhad)
T: +6017-7055381
FB: # Follow me on Facebook!

Before You Invest In Unit Trust – Read The “MASTER PROSPECTUS”. Why?

Why Do I Have To Spend All That Time Reading A Prospectus?

Before investing in any unit trust, read the prospectus. It's required that you get one, so if it's not offered, ask for it!

A prospectus is your protection contract. It tells you all you need to know about the fund. If you plan to own the fund, you will want to know how your money will be invested. 

The prospectus is a blueprint of the fund. It tells what the fund managers can and cannot do with your money. It describes risk and limits, and the amount of risk the fund is allowed to take. It tells you whether the purpose of the fund is to make profit as quickly as possible or to make only reasonable gains while first bringing in income and protecting your principal.

Many investors who are in a hurry to reach their goal, take the shortcut of not reading the prospectus. This could jeopardise your investing decisions. Read the prospectus. Arm yourself with sufficient information to make an 'informed decision'. It prepares you for what lies ahead.

Jas, Unit Trust Consultant of Public Mutual Berhad
(wholly-owned subsidiary of Public Bank Berhad)
T: +6017-7055381
FB: # Follow me on Facebook!

Friday, 11 July 2014

5 Benefits of Investing at a Young Age

 One of the most important things that you can do as an investor is to get an early start on investing. 
The old saying “the early bird gets the worm,” 
certainly applies to investing in a big way.
Investing is defined as making an investment in order to earn a profit, and earning that profit will be much easier to do if you get an early start. Investing at a young age isn’t always easy, but the benefits are numerous and can’t be overlooked.

Here is a look at five of the best benefits of investing at a young age:
  1. Time is on your side - This is the most straight forward of all the benefits, but yet it may be the most important of them all. Quite frankly if you begin investing at a young age history tells us that you will end up with far more than those who invest later in life. Having time on your side means having a longer time period of being able to save money to invest and a longer time period of being able to find investments that can increase in value quite nicely.
  2. Compounding returns – Compounding returns are extremely powerful over the long run, and the earlier you get started the greater your chance is to take advantage of this. Put more simply this is the power of the time value of money. Regular investments in an investment portfolio or a retirement account can lead to huge compounding benefits.
  3. Improves spending habits – This benefit is generally overlooked by many, but investing early on definitely helps develop positive spending habits. Those who invest early on are much less likely to have issues with overstepping their boundaries in spending over the long run. Investing teaches important lessons and the earlier you are able to learn those lessons the more you can benefit.
  4. Ahead of the personal finances game – If you are a young investor you are putting yourself ahead in the world of personal finance as a whole. By growing your investments over time you will be able to afford things that others can’t. Your personal finances are bound to get tight at times throughout your life, and investing at a young age can help in those tight times.
  5. Quality of life – The basic quality of life is a huge benefit of being an early investor. By investing early in things such as Unit Trust and retirement accounts you should be able to avoid having to make frantic moves near or during retirement. Quality of life during your retirement years will be much better because there will be less stresses and more of a nest egg to work with.
It is important to note that saving money to invest at a young age isn’t easy, but you simply can’t afford to wait to invest when it is convenient. Don’t shy away from investing because you don’t have enough, simply start with making small investments and give them time to mature. Investing while you are young is one of the best decisions one can ever make.

Jas, Unit Trust Consultant of Public Mutual Berhad
(wholly-owned subsidiary of Public Bank Berhad)
T: +6017-7055381
FB: # Follow me on Facebook!

How Your Money Can Work For You ?

There are two ways your money can work for you:

  • Your money earns money. Someone pays you to use your money for a period of time. You then get your money back plus “interest.” Or, if you buy stock in a company that pays “dividends” to shareholders, the company pays you a portion of its earnings on a regular basis. Now your money is making an “income.”
  • You buy something with your money that could increase in value. You become an owner of something that you hope increases in value over time. When you need your money back, you sell it, hoping someone else will pay you more for it.

Jas, Unit Trust Consultant of Public Mutual Berhad
(wholly-owned subsidiary of Public Bank Berhad)
T: +6017-7055381
FB: # Follow me on Facebook!

Basic Information on Unit Trust Investment

Hello !

Good day to everyone especially my existing investors, friends and newbies.

Especially to newbies, please take note on this very basic information if you have any thoughts of savings & investing in Unit Trust. This type of investment is for long term investment. Recommended for more than 5 years period of investment. Try to set personal goal, minimum 10 years to gain maximum return. The longer, the better, the safer. Minimum return you can get is between 9%-15% per annum. Investment can be made from as minimum as RM1000 (MYR 1K) either by using CASH or EPF (KWSP). Open to everyone be it Malaysian or foreigners. 2 type of money sources be it from Individual or Company, so the investment could be for personal use or for corporate use. Any investment type will normally expose you to risk such as economic crisis. So it is very important to choose the best fund that invest in an industry that is productive during normal economic condition as well as during economic crisis (example: palm oil plantation). 100% islamic funds are available (Approved Syariah Compliance Funds). As long as you seek qualified & trusted consultant's advise before you want to make any decision on your investment, you'll always be safe and gain profit.

* Practice constant savings (such as monthly savings plan)
* Buy less when the price is high, buy more when the price is low.

Feel free to ask if you have any questions. Till then ! Bye.

Jas, Unit Trust Consultant of Public Mutual Berhad
(wholly-owned subsidiary of Public Bank Berhad)
T: +6017-7055381

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Thursday, 10 July 2014

Hello World !

Good evening.
I feel very happy that finally I've got time to talk to everyone in the world ! Wish that we would have more time together. To just talk to each other, share information, help each other, understand the importance of meaningful life, how to create a meaningful life, how to plan your own life, time, financial, family needs and wants, personal goals, business goals, short term or long term, and be happy with everything that we already have. To be more grateful with life. Life is beautiful. Trust me. You gotta like it !

See you around !

Jas, Unit Trust Consultant of Public Mutual Berhad
(wholly-owned subsidiary of Public Bank Berhad)
T: +6017-7055381
FB: # Follow me on Facebook!